Monday, March 28, 2016

Jack's Abby Excess IPL

I brought this beer to Easter Sunday brunch. I'd never tried it before. I'm also Jewish and don't know what to do at Easter anyway so who gives a shit right? I mean, I figured I'd bring over the India Pale Lager because if for no other reason it would seem to be as weird as my excitement over egg hunts. Someone would have to ask the burning question, "what is an India Pale Lager?" And I would get to answer: "I'm not sure. Anyway, what's the big deal about eggs filled with candy? What does that have to do with a resurrection?"
I'm 43 and Jewish. My parents weren't as cool as me. I didn't go to Easter Sunday brunches partially because no one in my family celebrated Easter and apparently no one who wasn't Jewish invited us to their house on Easter. Whatever. I'm not pissed about it.  My parents did let me paint real eggs with Pas which wasn't that fun and makes no sense at all. Now we can't eat the eggs (I'm unsure whether my mother actually hard boiled the eggs we painted or not). Who wants to eat a pastel pink egg? Anyway, as I learned, no one eats the eggs anyway. That's not part of the deal. Which brings me back to the eggs and finding them and then realizing they are made of plastic that wasn't painted. It's just another reminder of how Judaism has a marketing issue. Passover is coming up. We're going to eat fish balls that have been floating in an indecipherable jelly and be commanded to consume horseradish by itself AND with an apple nut mixture. The apple nut mixture is delicious except that you must be reminded that it represents mortar used by slaves to build houses for evil Egyptians. Oh and the youngest person will have to ask why someone in the family is so stupid they don't know how to ask questions. And then we'll drink terrible wine and even worse overcooked brisket. No egg hunts, no trees with twinkling lights. Nope, just a 3 hour "dinner" about slavery.
Whatever. Easter is pretty fun. I photobomed a honey baked ham holding a can of Jack's Abby Excess IPL, whatever the hell that is. And I'm proud of it.

As for the beer- On his site, Jack describe it himself as an outrageously HOPPY beer which makes sense on Easter. Am I right? Am I right? I tried an Easter joke. Sue me.
It was not an overstatement about the hoppiness. Like it is overwhelming at first. You have to get to sip four before it settles down and I was actually able to make a yay or nay judgment about the Excess IPL. I'll go with, pretty good. No rushing to buy it again but certainly unique. So it you want a pile of hops shoved in your cheeks, you'll freaking fall in love with this.
It has an almost apple juice like golden color. Not much of a head on it. But that was the one my wife poured. I drank it out of the can. Ever since my brush with Heady Topper (who demands you drink his beer out of the can) I have to admit I feel like I should drink a lot of beers out of cans if they show up in cans. I know that's stupid. Shut up.
As for the taste, once I got past sips 1-3, what happens is it's like a wave of hops crashing into the back of your throat but settles very quickly and recedes like a wave on the Eastern shore.
Jack goes on to say that so many aroma hops are used that you'll find hints of passion fruit, guava, mint, pine, lime and about 10 others. Honestly, I didn't really get a strong sense of any of those. Plus, come on, 15 different aromas? What is this a nursery?
Anyway, this may come off as a thumbs down, but it's not. It was unusual which seems to perfectly fit my day eating ham and hunting for fake eggs with smarties in them. I'm 43 and Jewish.

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