Now comes the Molotov Lite which I had to drink at an end of year Daisy party.
You are probably asking yourself, what is Daisy party? Is it cool? Are they every Friday? Can I dress up like a llama?
The answers are: 1) Daisys are the warmup for young lads in the Girl Scout system. They can graduate to brownies and eventually full on Girl Scouts. Don't ask me what the differences are between each stage of Girl Scoutdom, all I now is my daughter got patches (one for attending a Daisy dance) and did have to sell cookies which meant I had to sell cookies. 2) As far as 7 year old parties with no birthday involved go, it was cool. 3) Maybe they are every Friday. It would be weird if I knew the answer to that. 4) No, you cannot dress up like a llama. But I've only been to one Daisy party so, I'm not confident that you cannot dress up like a llama.
Anyway, while the girls celebrated the end of the year which included meeting ONCE A MONTH, I decided to it was time to find the other Dads. This wasn't the easiest task. As you probably suspected, with no one in a llama suit in attendance, the Daisy party doubled as a Moms eating pizza and talking about the Daisy party.
Fortunately, the house where it was held included a man living in it. And this man likes beer. He was under strict orders though that A) if he were found, under no circumstances was he supposed to be offering alcoholic beverages to other adults and B) Well, I assume there were other rules, we just didn't have a conversation that would have given him reason to disclose those.
There are plenty of reasons not to potentially inebriate a bunch of people at a party for 6 and 7 year olds, and handing out beer I guess could fall into that category. But then again, once I saw the 8.5% alcohol content warning on the can of the Molotov Lite, I now understood that our hostess might have been onto something. It's one thing to responsibly get lightly buzzed at the Daisy party, but an unsuspecting sloshing could lead to a lot of rumors for next year's Daisy party.
Good thing you can really taste the booze here. I love beer. Overly alcohol flavored beers aren't exactly my thing so I did the responsible thing, and poured a little of it down the drain. Sorry Evil Twin.
It wasn't that it tasted bad, it just wasn't my flavor and having to drink it in some dark corner while watching 6 and 7 year olds from a window felt, well, a little weird. I didn't want to start any marriage problems for our pizza eating Daisy hosting hosts and, well, I didn't like it enough to be an asshole. So the circumstances to actually try to enjoy this beer were far from ideal. I did appreciate the can explaining that "in dark days" when beer was "tasteless," led to a creation of this sort.
So again, I think I owe the Evil Twin an apology for not adhering to his rules of beer enjoyment, but sometimes life takes you to a Daisy party and we just have to do the best we can.
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